How To Use
AeroNapper™ travel pillow is simple and easy to take on and off. Put your head through the top of the “H” straps while swinging the long straps over your back, making sure the back straps drop all the way down your back and the friction patches are facing out. Pull down on each strap using your hands on each side. As the chin cushion moves up to where it feels comfortable, lean back onto the straps and friction patches to secure it in place. This creates the friction needed for a tight hold. Pull the straps to either side of your body and secure them under your legs, using your body weight to tighten up and keep the pillow snug under your chin while you sleep. If positioned correctly, your chin will be supported by the pillow and your head will be held in a natural, forward facing, upright position. Time to relax. Questions? Contact us today.